Sunday 29 March 2015

Nook Book!

The Charm is now available to download for £2.99 on Nook! If you read it, please could you also leave a review? Thank you x

Thursday 19 March 2015


For those of you who want to read The Charm but are too tight-fisted to buy it, I am being extremely generous and kind and am publishing it for FREE on Wattpad! So there's no excuse not to read the best book about witches in town! Ten chapters published so far... twenty-one to go! Oh and please leave little comments about the book. They would make my day. But only if they are nice :)

Wednesday 11 March 2015

A quick update!

I've only just read The Tent, The Bucket and Me by Emma Kennedy... it came out five years ago! What a brilliantly funny book. Easily a-laugh-a-page. I hear it's been bought by the BBC and will appear on our screens sometime this year as a six-part series. I can't wait!

As for me, I've decided to change the ending to Book Two and completely re-edit it. I've not taken the decision to do so lightly as this will be very time-consuming for me but I want it to be absolutely perfect before I approach agents with it. The original ending didn't sit happily with me and I wanted the story to be about Loveday and Sam – the two main characters – and nobody else. So I'm changing it. Because I can! The teenage market is very fickle and trending writing styles can change very quickly, hence you can be in and out of fashion in the blink of an eye. I'm aiming to get all the work done over the next few weeks because I've spent a long time on this novel and I'm itching to start writing my next book!

I've temporarily put Book Three on hold. This isn't because I don't want to write it. I can't wait to write it! Just not now. It's quite a dark, complex thriller and after the rubbish year I've had so far, I want to write a happy book :) I've had a children's book in my brain for several years now and a couple of weeks ago I outlined the entire plot line and am now ready to write it.

So this spring and summer I shall have my head filled with the Fens and farms and bogs and secrets and magic... it's going to be a bit like reverting to my childhood :)

PS. Nine chapter of The Charm now online...