Saturday 20 June 2015

Good Morning!

I haven't written anything on my blog for weeks. Not because I haven't anything to write about. I've just been preoccupied with my other life; namely family and work. I have managed to fit in some writing amongst my seemingly endless juggling and I am now 20,000 words into Airtight. I'm aiming for a 100,000-word novel so I'm not doing too badly. This is definitely going to be my last adult fiction for a while. I really want to concentrate on children's books next and have several ideas stacking up in my brain that will keep me busy for the next couple of years at least!

Queen Bee, the dinky, handbag-sized magazine I've been writing for, has just been launched. Issue One is out now and is jam-packed full of features, advice, tips and information for local ladies. It is being published quarterly and work on the Autumn issue is already under way. Click on the Facebook link below and read the first issue online!