Sunday 23 August 2015

My new website has been launched!

A great way to spend a couple of rainy hours – design your own website!

Please visit

and have a look! Thank you! :)

Friday 21 August 2015

Good morning!

Considering I had seven weeks off my day job and now have only two remaining, I haven't done much with my time. The first three were spent in agony as I underwent tooth surgery – twice – and then I spent an idyllic week in Cornwall recovering. This week I've been crazily busy every day, playing taxi driver, sorting out my daughters college course for September, getting her GCSE results (SHE GOT NINE!!!) and editing copy for Queen Bee magazine. Now, with just fourteen short days left until the alarm needs to be set for 7am every morning, coupled with the depressing thought of the onset of autumn... I'm feeling a bit deflated! I'd hoped to have written a sizeable chunk of my latest novel by now but I've barely managed 5000 words this holiday. I'm a third of the way through and although I love the story, I am itching to start the children's book I've had on the back-burner for a couple of years. I'm not a fan of winter but at least the dark nights and miserable weather allow me devote time to writing. 

The Fourteen Years Between Us is going down well. I'm part of the Kindle Unlimited scheme and both my books are listed on there. It means that if you too are signed up to Kindle Unlimited as a customer, you can read my books for free! Why not sign up and give one or both of them a read? Please remember to leave a review too. Thank you!