Sunday 27 September 2015

Very excited indeed!

After approximately four years in the planning, I have finally started work on my first children's book! The synopsis has been written, the plot concluded and the chapters all mapped out. And now the writing can begin! I have put my original novel three on hold because I just need to get this new book down on paper. It's such a strong and magical story, I am almost bursting to write it. And it will keep me very busy through the long winter nights!

So, sorry Airtight... but you will just have to be book number four instead! Apologies also to my readers of Airtight who have read the first eight chapters and have got seriously hooked... I will finish it, I promise!!

The reader for this new book is going to be my nine-year-old daughter. She already knows the entire plot line from start to finish but gauging her reaction as she reads it for real – a story she's heard several times over the last four years – will be wonderful. I'm already imagining Touchstone buying up the film rights along with star-studded premieres and a whole range of merchandise based on my unusual little characters... always the optimist ;)

In the meantime, here's to wishful thinking and the belief that dreams really can come true :)