Saturday 12 December 2015

10,000 words down...

50,000 to go!

I am loving writing my latest book. Lifes shifts and changes mean I have less time to write than I had before but I am trying to write in short, sharp bursts as and when I can. I've loved researching the Anglo Saxon period, which forms the backbone of my story and watching The Last Kingdom on BBC1 has brought the time to life for me. I'm gutted it's over... but over the moon there's a second series in the making!

I've had an idea for a novelty book too which I am going to try to plan and write at the same time as my children's story. God knows how I'll manage to do that but I'm going to give it a crack as the idea is a fun one which could take off and hopefully make me lots of pennies! Nothing ventured, nothing gained!

Since uploading The Charm to Kindle Unlimited, I have had literally hundreds and hundreds of page reads so a big thank you to whoever is reading it! If you would like to download a copy onto your Kindle and read it over the festive period, then please click on the link below. And don't forget to leave a review after you've read it! Thank you :)