Tuesday 26 April 2016

My column from Queen Bee, Spring 2016

Kiss and make-up?

Being a forty-something woman, I am fortunate enough to be more than a little comfortable in my own skin. After all, I’ve been staring back at my mush in the mirror since the days of glam rock… I’ve pretty much got used to it by now. What I do find baffling, however, is the current trend for young women to layer on so much slap, they become almost unrecognisable from the flawless canvas that lay beneath. A lack of confidence, unrealistic portrayal of celebrities in the media or just having a pretty best mate can all push a girl into cosmetic addiction.
Contouring is big business, with everyone from teenagers to middle-aged women spending a small fortune on not just one foundation but three separate bottles of polyfilla; all in a bid to create the illusion of bones that don’t actually exist. And it doesn’t stop there.
We have brow kits that create monstrous Brooke Shield-esque arches of chestnut and ebony, which allegedly ‘frame the face’. Lip maximizers that plump the flesh to near bursting point. False eyelashes so long, so black, so menacing, I often mistake them for house spiders and either scream when I spot one lying on the bathroom floor or worse, try to beat it to death with a slipper. Next up, layer upon layer of concealers, bronzer, highlighters, blusher, shimmer sticks and eyeshadows, creating an alluring effect of having fallen head first into a rainbow.
And let’s not forget the mouth – lips outlined so far outside the actual lipline, it’s hard to decipher whether you are looking at a girl or a pufferfish.
What worries me most is what happens when said young woman falls in love? It’s a bit like the chicken-fillet dilemma of the 1990s… when the illusion of a perfect pair of breasts ended in utter dismay after removal of hot pink Wonderbra with added fillets revealed a couple of fried eggs…
Most of us, if we’re honest, fall in love with a face. Everything else is an added bonus. So what happens when said young woman eventually has to remove the mask, exposing her canvas and she looks nothing like the goddess she resembled ten minutes before scrubbing commenced?
I’m all in favour of enhancing your features and making the most of what you’ve got and personally, I wouldn’t be seen dead without my Double Wear. But I think its time girls started to embrace their natural beauty and realise that less really is more. Hiding behind a mask is for villains and we all know women are the true heroines of this story.

Saturday 2 April 2016

Good morning!

My children's book is coming along nicely – slowly but surely. I've just finished writing Chapter 8 and have written 22,000 in total so far. I have so much less time to write now than I did when I wrote my first two books, which is frustrating, but I'll get there eventually! For this chapter I have had to research ancient medicinal herbs and discovered this interesting fact about the Romans...
''Remember, these people also believed that a person could cure a headache by tying a fox's genitals to their foreheads, and that eating the heart of a donkey could cure epilepsy.''