Friday 19 August 2016

Progress and delays...

I managed to write a good 5000 words last week but this week, due to a death in the family, I have written none :( Hopefully, I can get back on form and get into writing mode once again. I am so pleased at how the book is coming along and the story is coming together. It might just be my best yet... :)

I've just read The Girl On The Train by Paula Hawkins (better late than never!) and really enjoyed it. It comes out as a movie later this year so I watched the trailer and was deeply disappointed... it's set in the US and not in London and although Rachel, the main character, is British, the rest of the cast is American. Why do they do that?! I loved the gritty storyline and the railway setting of the novel. I could picture the rattling trains and the graffiti and the weeds and the tracks as I read it, typical scenes of a mundane, railway journey into London. I'll watch the film but I'm betting it's going to be rubbish compared to the book, as is usually the case.

I have just been bought and started to read A Year of Marvellous Ways by Sarah Winman (thank you Kyle!). I love a nice bit of prose and this book so far is jam-packed full of it! The storyline interested me – an elderly woman waiting for her last big adventure in life. Seems all the more poignant now after the events of this week...

Rest in peace, Crystal x

Monday 8 August 2016

Time to get cracking!

Well, I've cleaned the house from top to toe, overhauled the straggly garden and spent a wonderful week in Italy with the one I love... now I have four weeks left of the summer holidays and it's time to get my third novel finished! I have been so busy over the past few months, that writing has been almost shelved, but my job allows me precious time to get back on top of things and I am going to use it wisely. 

I've no real clue how much I still have to write to complete the book. At a guess I'd say I am two-thirds of the way through but I know from past experience that my storyline's can deviate away from the original plot and sometimes completely change path altogether. The Charm's ending was going to be pretty depressing with Lorna dying... but as I wrote the final chapters I had a change of heart and I kept her very much alive. I'm so glad I did because I have plans to write a sequel eventually, called A Charmed Life, which I couldn't do if Lorna was six foot under!

So, I have a brand new laptop, the sky is full of clouds and today writing commences! :)