Friday 30 December 2016


I published a post on my Facebook page but totally forgot about my blog! The Boggins of Willow Drove is finished! I finally completed my debut children's novel on target during October half term, have edited the manuscript and have now started the daunting task of approaching agents with it. The first agent I sent it to was Curtis Brown and they replied very quickly, which in itself is a rarity. It was ultimately a 'no' but it was a very positive no!

They said my submission stood out immediately amongst the THREE HUNDRED submissions they receive each week and they very much enjoyed reading it. At this time, however, there is not an agent looking for that type of book to market - I assume they meant due to the historical element of the story - so for now, it is a no.

I was disappointed but also very much encouraged as my work stood out enough for them to read it straight away rather than push it to the bottom of the slush pile. A personal reply is always a good sign too rather than a generic 'thanks but no thanks' email. So onwards and upwards! I shall carry on submitting and see what happens.

In the meantime, I have started work on ideas for a non-fiction book and have picked up where I left off with Airtight, the novel I started eighteen months ago. I have already written 26,000 words of it and would like to finish it before starting to write a brand new book. I loved writing for children but have lots of ideas and plots for adult fiction too... THERE ARE NOT ENOUGH HOURS IN THE DAY! :) Happy New Year!