Sunday 1 October 2017

New Title Condundrum

Although I do read books, I wouldn't say I am an avid reader. I'm not like some writers who finish a book in two days and get through three a week. I'd much rather be writing them than reading them. But I do watch an awful lot of TV dramas and I think the writing for this genre inspires me more than literature does. I would love to write screenplays. I've researched how to do it a lot recently, mainly because I am writing my fourth novel as though it's a six-part TV series. Not intentionally, it just kind of happens that way. I visualise and picture the story first before I even start writing any words. I have done the same with my three previous books and only ever remember them as a 'film' in my head rather than a story in print. Maybe that's how all writers write. I dunno... Anyway, apparently writing a screenplay is really, really difficult so I might just stick to books, which is really, really easy :)

I've just passed the 50,000 word mark on my fourth novel, working title 'Airtight'. I'm actually nearer 55,000 words now because I've had a spurt on this week and am writing a part of the book that I've been dying to get to for ages... the Country House Party. This part of the story is an entire chapter on it's own and features lots of dialogue - my favourite part of writing - and sees the culmination of lots of elements of the story as paths cross and secrets spill and relationships are severed.

'Airtight' was always a temporary title - a nickname coined for Judith, the lead character, by her work colleagues. I'll leave you to figure out what it means... I've spent a bit of time this week coming up with alternatives. The odds-on favourite at the moments is The Undoing of Judith Croft. I also like The Clandestine Miss Croft. To me, the title has to sum up what and who the story is about. Judith Croft is the leading lady and the story is about her metamorphosis from one person to another. It's a tricky old thing coming up with a title. I totally cocked it up with my second novel, The Fourteen Years Between Us. I disliked the title so much I eventually pulled it from sale and it is now being reinvented as Finding Vega. Which is much more apt and much more exciting. So this one has to be right... and for now I am still working on it.

15,000 more words to go. The target for 'The End' is Christmas. So I'd bet get my skates on...