Saturday 19 May 2018

Royal wedding, sunbathing and two violent murders... all in a day's work!

What a beautiful day! Up early, house cleaned and a full English washed down with several cups of tea, all whilst waiting for the bride to emerge from Cliveden House to kick off the wedding of the year. And what a wedding it was! Absolutely wonderful.

After walking the dogs, I had a couple of hours soaking up the rays before I edited the dreaded murder scene I wrote during the week. And after reading it through four times, I now feel quite depressed! The sad thing about this story is the girls Alfie murdered weren't supposed to have been murdered at all. He was looking for sex – he had raped several times before – and as he saw Barbara making her way towards him on her bike, his sole purpose was to rape her and then walk away.

What he hadn't bargained for was her friend being just a few yards behind her and suddenly he had two girls to deal with, not just one. To make matters worse, he quickly realised he actually knew Barbara and her family from his local neighbourhood. He came to the conclusion that if he raped her and she recognised him, he would eventually be arrested and sent to prison. He made his mind up there and then to STILL go ahead and rape them both, but to kill them afterwards, so as to 'cover his tracks'. 

You would think any normal person would have decided to avoid doing any such thing, hop back on his bike and pedal away leaving the girls to come round (he'd knocked both of them out with an axe) and ultimately stay alive. But Alfie wasn't a normal person, as I have discovered over the past few months. 

I am LOVING writing this book. Writing a work of fiction based on fact is amazing and I would really like to write a second book in this genre. Who knows, this could end up being 'my thing'...

Right, back to the laptop until it's Fajita and Prosecco time!! Bon soir! :)