Friday 1 June 2018


What a strange couple of days.

It has been a total coincidence that today I finished writing the chapter where Barbara's body was discovered in the Thames on 1st June 1953. Because today is the 1st June 2018. Barbara and Christine were killed on the 31st May, (last night) 65 years ago. Barbara was found at 8.30am today, on the 1st, and it would be a further five days until Christine was found, the 6th June. It is also a total coincidence (I think...) that my best friend Jacqueline had a catastrophic brain haemorrhage on 6th June in 2010 and eventually died on 31st May 2014. Same dates. Different years. These dates are now embedded in my brain for two different reasons. And because of three different women.

I've found writing the latest chapter extremely upsetting. Getting into the mindset of both girls' mothers as they realised their daughters were missing was very difficult, mainly because a child of mine going missing is one of my biggest fears. I was almost taken as a young girl, on a family outing to London. We were in Trafalgar Square and I was momentarily separated from my parents as I wandered around looking at the lions. It was at that point a man approached me and asked me if I'd like to see some puppies (a cliché I know!) over in the far corner. I thought it was an odd thing to say, but as he held out his hand and smiled at me, I just thought he was being nice, so I took it and started walking away with him. It was only when I heard my dad shouting my name that I turned to look over my shoulder and saw him frantically looking for me, that I realised this man was not a good man and I let go of his hand. My dad got to me just as I let go. Looking back, another few seconds and I would have been gone. It doesn't really bear thinking about what might have happened to me. I often feel lucky to be alive purely because my life could have been over at the age of 11. 

So, as I was saying, this part of the book has been hard. But I got through it (aided by several boxes of tissues) and I am very pleased with my work. I've loved writing as DCI Hannam too, the detective put in charge of the investigation. And I am about to start writing as the Queen again, who was coronated on 2nd June. I've been lucky enough to have been able to consult Lady Jane Willoughby about the actual Coronation. She was one of the Queen's coronation attendants and has been able to give me an insight into the day itself and what is was like to be part of such an historic occasion. I can't wait to finish the book. It's definitely the best thing I've ever done.

Right, time to write the next chapter... The Coronation. Happy anniversary for tomorrow, Your Majesty :)

Me and Jacqueline, Christmas 2009.