Friday 10 August 2018

Ta da!!!

I'm feeling over the moooooon! I've just finished writing The Towpath. It took two months of planning and research and five months to write and has been the most exciting, thrilling, absorbing thing I've ever done. Little did I know when I started talking to Kyle's grandfather about the Queen at the Rugby Club back in January, that I would uncover a story that would take over my life and become a novel. I have learned so much while writing the book and I love all the characters, even the baddy! It's made me raise questions and made me very glad I live in today's society, where you can't get convicted of murder purely because you have a speck of anonymous blood on your shoe. DNA forensics didn't exist in 1953. It was a very different world. So, I'm going to pop some Prosecco corks tonight and start editing tomorrow. Albeit with a stonking headache! I DID IT!!!