Sunday 9 September 2018

Still hard at it...

It's hard work, this editing lark. I've read the Towpath twice and am now half way through the third read. I've changed very little during each edit, just the odd word or phrase, sometimes adding more detail here and there. The aim is to get your manuscript to the best possible version of itself before starting the submission process. Of course, if an agent likes what they see and takes you (and your book) on, a whole team of editors will descend on your work and fine tune it to perfection. You have to be prepared to sit back and let them do their thing. That's their job after all. You've done all the hard work writing the thing, now let them get your book out there for everyone to read.

I've spent quite a while working on the synopsis, the first three chapters and an interesting covering letter and have found several agents who interest me and who I would like to submit to. I'm almost there. And I'm starting to feel quite apprehensive. Although I write as a hobby and because I love every minute of it, there is a part of me that would love to be a 'proper' writer. I would love The Towpath to be published because it's such a good story. But if it doesn't happen then so be it. I'll just write another book! And I've already got a few ideas down on paper. Another crime-based novel and two real-life historical stories that could be adapted into a book, just like The Towpath.

Until then, I need to get this one out there. Keeping everything crossed... wish me luck :)