Tuesday 11 December 2018

The Towpath

The Towpath has been an amazing book for me to write but after the fifth read / edit, I was all towpathed out. I've had a little break from it and have finally finished crossing the t's and dotting the i's. The next task was writing a 250-word pitch which I always find daunting. Writing a book is easy. You just sit down and write it. But condensing the story into just 250 words is hard. Writing a synopsis is even harder. But I've managed to complete both and am really happy with everything I've done. The book is with a reader at the moment and I avidly await his feedback. And then I shall start submitting.

I remember an email I received from an agent after submitting The Charm several years ago. It was a rejection email and said these exact words:

Malorie Blackman wrote 9 books and was submitting for 2 and a half years (and got 82 rejections) before her first book deal... and then she became Children’s Laureate - so do persevere!

Those words of encouragement stick in mind and always will. I know it's hard to get that book deal but I will try as hard as I can to get one! In the meantime here is the 250-word pitch I wrote for The Towpath. I do hope you enjoy it.

It’s the end of May 1953. A relentless heatwave has burned the country to a crisp and the whole nation is at fever pitch as it prepares to crown its’ beautiful new Queen. Streets are scrubbed spotless. Red, white and blue bunting is strung from every lamppost. And thousands upon thousands of kitchens have produced thousands upon thousands of cakes as the countdown begins to a magical day full of pomp, pageantry and patriotism, the likes of which this post-war kingdom has never seen before.

Barbara Songhurst and Christine Reed, two young friends from Teddington, have planned the weekend leading up to the big day with military precision. Christine is preparing to battle through the crowds just so she can see the dashingly handsome Prince Phillip with her very own eyes. And Barbara has bought a yellow and white floral bathing suit from the West End which will hopefully clinch her the title of Beauty Pageant Queen 1953.

Just a few streets away lives Alfred Whiteway. He despises the Royal Family and he despises the Queen and everything she stands for. The only plans he has for the 2nd of June are to get completely rat-arsed and fuck a prostitute. Maybe two. With a penchant for knives and a reputation locally as a lunatic who swings from tree to tree like an ape, Alfie is the kind of man best avoided.

But on the 31st of May, two days before Princess Elizabeth became Queen Elizabeth II, Barbara and Christine's paths crossed with Alfred Whiteway's.

It was totally unavoidable. And it cost them both their lives.