Sunday 9 June 2019

Time and Tide well under way!

It seems like ages since I last posted on my blog. It is ages. Two months to be precise. But I have been writing, when I can find the time. I've had a busy few weeks with only one day free for writing during half term but I'm plodding along, writing whenever I can snatch a few minutes in between working, swimming, gymming, walking, shopping, cooking, cleaning, eating, breathing and sleeping. It's tough but I have now written the first two chapters of Time and Tide, which equates to around 10,000 words.

I've had a lot of research to do with this book, mainly about the early 1900s and the first world war. The trouble is I get easily distracted during this phase as I end up reading one article then something will grab my attention and I find myself researching that too, whether I need to or not. It has been very interesting so far. It's a good thing I love history so much!

I have tried to put myself in the position of someone who has just woken up one hundred years in the future and just how surreal that would be. I've also tried to see it from my main character's point of view; stumbling across somebody who claims to have been fighting in WW1 one minute and flat on his back on a Cornish beach the next. I need to make it as realistic as possible even though the notion of time travel seems improbable to most of us. In my book it has happened. As absurd as that may sound. It has actually happened and both Kitty and Edward have to deal with the consequences, whether they like it or not.

I love writing. It is my favourite hobby. I have self-published three books and written a further two which are currently with agents but even if I never get a bona fide publishing deal, I don't really care. I write because it is my escape. Interestingly, I wrote an article recently for a women's magazine where I talked about a recent study discovering that a creative hobby is one of the best things we can do for our mental health. And I completely agree. Writing, painting, singing, crafting, gardening, dancing... the list is endless... all make you step away from your every day life and allows you to create time for you; an hour or so of pure escapism where your sole attention is focused on what you are doing in that moment. I will publish the article on my blog soon so you can read it and hopefully take up a creative hobby!