Saturday 4 January 2020

The Towpath Paperback Is Here!

Well that was quick! The Towpath is now available to buy in paperback, which I must say is still my preferred way to read a book. Click on the link below to get your copy! Happy (not sure that's the right word for this book...) reading!

Thursday 2 January 2020

The Towpath is published!

Wow... I haven't blogged for so long but I have been very busy (as usual) and although I've been writing and editing and publishing, I've neglected my blog. A thousand apologies!

Anyway... I have some exciting news! The Towpath is published!

New year, new decade, new book! I am very proud to announce my fourth book is now published and on sale as an ebook on Amazon. I will be publishing the paperback version very soon for all those who prefer the 'real thing' 😊

I LOVED researching and writing this book. I had no idea how to write a narrative non-fiction novel but I took the bull by the horns and found out everything I could about the story and just went for it. I'm really pleased with the finished book and it's a great story, albeit a sad one. I'd be very interested to hear any of your views with regards to the epilogue section of the book... the twist in the tale, so to speak. There will be no spoilers here but please feel free to comment on your ideas! As I say at the end of the book, if this case had happened in 2020, the outcome may have been very different. Forensics didn't exist in 1953 and people were convicted by the smallest of incidentals such as a speck of blood on a shoe or a witness statement.

Here is a teaser to entice you into reading the book. I hope you enjoy it!

The Towpath

It’s the end of May 1953. A heatwave has burned the country to a crisp and the whole nation is at fever pitch as it prepares to crown its beautiful new Queen. Streets are scrubbed spotless. Red, white and blue bunting is strung from every lamppost. And thousands of kitchens have produced thousands of cakes as the countdown begins to a magical day full of pomp, pageantry and patriotism, the likes of which the country has never seen before.

Barbara Songhurst and Christine Reed, two young friends from Teddington, have planned the weekend leading up to the big day with military precision. Christine is going to battle through the crowds just so she can see the dashingly handsome Prince Phillip with her very own eyes and Barbara has bought a yellow and white floral bathing suit from the West End which will hopefully clinch her the title of Beauty Pageant Queen 1953.

Alfred Whiteway also lives in Teddington. He despises the Royal Family and the Queen and everything she stands for. The only plans he has for the 2nd of June are to get completely rat-arsed and fuck a prostitute or two. With a penchant for knives and a reputation locally as a lunatic who swings through the trees of Bushey Park like an ape, Alfie is the kind of man best avoided.

But on the 31st of May, two days before Princess Elizabeth became Queen Elizabeth II, Barbara and Christine's paths crossed with Alfie Whiteway's. It was totally unavoidable. And it cost them both their lives.