Monday 27 July 2020

I got there in the end!

At last, I can finally announce that I have FINISHED my debut children's novel, The Boggins of Willow Drove! I started writing the book in 2016 and actually wrote it quite quickly. I sent it to an agent who wrote straight back and said it was a 'stand out submission' but needed a little more magic. Feeling pretty offended (I don't take criticism well 😉) I sneered at the email, forgot about the book and moved on to my next project. But having so much time on my hands during lockdown I decided to read it again and thought maybe that agent was right,so I added another chapter. With a bit more magic. I have just finished editing the entire book again and it has been read by several guinea pigs (not actual fluffy guinea pigs because they can't read) including my mother and some younger readers and I have had fantastic feedback. The next arduous task was to write the synopsis, which as many of you will know is my pet hate. But I did it and The Boggins of Willow Drove has finally been submitted for consideration. It's a scary old time which involves a lot of waiting and as an author, you must always be prepared for rejection. Even though it's not very nice it's part of being a writer. But I am feeling optimistic and have everything crossed. And in the meantime, it's back to Time and Tide... novel number SIX!! 🙌