Sunday 23 August 2020

Writer's Block

I've never had writer's block before. And I'm not sure that's what I have. But I just can't get motivated to pick up where I left off after having a break from writing Time and Tide. During that time I revisited the 'The Boggins Of Willow Drove' manuscript that was just sitting in my laptop gathering cyber dust. I wrote an extra chapter, a synopsis and started the submission process. I then started writing a food blog (it's called The Casworth Kitchen if you want to take a look) which occupied some of my time and I really enjoy doing. And now I am twiddling my thumbs and have all the time in the world to resume Time and Tide but... I just can't be bothered. 

Maybe it's because writing books is time-consuming and solitary and ultimately seems like a huge waste of precious time if your book gets rejected over and over at the end of a very lengthy process. Time and Tide is my sixth book, I've been writing for eight years and I still don't have a publishing contract. I guess that's why I am starting to feel a little despondent. I love writing, it's therapeutic and meditative and is a wonderful creative outlet but... I dunno... what's it all about? 

In an ideal world I would be a full-time writer, sitting in a garden room overlooking the sea, tapping away and churning out books to my hearts content. But as I get older, I realise that time is no longer on my side and if I haven't 'made it' now, the chances are I never will.

Maybe I should start a new hobby. God only knows what. I've never been a hobby sort of person. I've tried lots of things from rowing to yoga. I almost joined a choir last year but decided against it after seeing the hideous robe I'd have to wear. I once even auditioned for Pig Dyke Molly, a scary, blackened faced Morris dancing troupe that frequent the Fens. But I got so dizzy doing all the swirls and whirls in the dance routine I almost fainted. So no. I'm not really a hobby sort of person. I'm quite happy to cook and walk and listen to music... and write books.

Maybe I will just finish this one last book. Book Number 6. It's a good story. It has a good ending. I could see it as a movie. Starring Jessica Brown Findlay as Kitty and ooh... I think probably Josh O'Connor as Edward. They would be PERFECT!

Right, where was I...