Saturday 28 June 2014


...comes when you least expect it! This week I received a history book illustrated by local school children. It was all about an area that is located just a few miles from my door but that I knew nothing about. After reading the book and researching it more online, a storyline started to develop in my brain, and, as if by magic, Book Number Three was born!

Of course, I still have to complete Book Number Two and I also have ideas on paper for Book Numbers Four, Five and Six (!) but I am very excited about writing a novel based on historical fact. It will be a different genre again and I'm finding plots are seeping into my conscience already! 

But for now, I'm concentrating on The Boy Who Came To Play. I'm still not happy with the title and expect it to change several times as I write. I've now written 26,000 words and would say I am about half way through. This book is so much easier to write than The Charm because it's based on fact and lots of different experiences I've had personally. Which might prove to be quite an eye-opener... ;)

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