Saturday 16 August 2014

Four-fifths of the way through...

Over 40,000 words written, with roughly another 10,000 to go and 'Book Number Two – The One With The Secret Title' is FINISHED! Of course, this is the first draft and as it stands, I've no idea how it will end. Actually, that's a lie. I do. I just haven't figured out how to tackle one of the vital twists in the story yet. Once written, I have the task of editing it from start to finish. And then fine-tuning it. I am going to hedge my bets and predict I will have a completed novel by... Halloween!!!


PS. Thank you to everyone who has bought and read The Charm so far. I have some great reviews and I'm very touched so many people have read it. If you want to download it now, here is the link. It's cheaper than coffee and cake, a glossy magazine or a Big Mac Meal so, go on... have a read!!

Friday 8 August 2014

Rain Dance

I'm back in England and it is raining and, according to the BBC, will be for the next week at least. Which means I can put some hours in on Book Two. I managed to write several thousand words while in France and one chapter was particularly hard because the subject matter is very close to home. I suppose all writers draw on personal experiences and as I've had quite a colourful life, I've got plenty to draw on! One day, when I'm a well-known, rich and highly-successful author (?!), I'll write my life story and when I'm dead, it will be made into a film. Being slightly obsessed with death, I wonder how it will all end for me? Tits up in a vineyard? Choking to death on my own spit? Sudden heart attack whilst being forced to climb to the top of a mountain? Time will tell!! Here's a pic of an angel in a cemetery to look at in the meantime. Beautiful :)

Tuesday 5 August 2014

Graffiti and five stars!

I've now got seven five-star reviews on Amazon! I am, as my daughter would say, well pleased!! Our two weeks in France are coming to an end. I've not written much but I've eaten a lot and sunbathed loads! Here's a pic of something I've seen a lot of... It's everywhere. Fine on the side or a railway carriage but a perfectly preserved medieval building...? Hmmm. Au revoir for now.