Friday 8 August 2014

Rain Dance

I'm back in England and it is raining and, according to the BBC, will be for the next week at least. Which means I can put some hours in on Book Two. I managed to write several thousand words while in France and one chapter was particularly hard because the subject matter is very close to home. I suppose all writers draw on personal experiences and as I've had quite a colourful life, I've got plenty to draw on! One day, when I'm a well-known, rich and highly-successful author (?!), I'll write my life story and when I'm dead, it will be made into a film. Being slightly obsessed with death, I wonder how it will all end for me? Tits up in a vineyard? Choking to death on my own spit? Sudden heart attack whilst being forced to climb to the top of a mountain? Time will tell!! Here's a pic of an angel in a cemetery to look at in the meantime. Beautiful :)

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