Sunday 28 September 2014

Fanfare moment!

I finished Book Two!!! I actually finished it last weekend but have been so busy, I forgot to announce it! So, it's done. Just over 60,000 words, eighteen chapters and pretty fast-paced. Now I have started the time-consuming task of going though the manuscript with a fine-toothed comb and will probably make lots of alterations along the way. I am really, really pleased with it so far though and as I read, I come across lines that I forgot I wrote which make me laugh out loud. I didn't intend on writing a comedy but it might just turn out that I have! Hopefully soon I will have a complete manuscript and can make a start on the synopsis – the most important piece of writing for any author. Get this wrong and an agent won't even read a single line of your first three chapters. I found writing the synopsis for The Charm extremely difficult and it took far longer than I ever anticipated so wish me luck second time round!

I've been notified of a couple of errors in the eBook of The Charm by eagle-eyed readers – only name spellings that got overlooked in the editing process – but I have had them rectified and the word-perfect (I hope) version for Kindle has now replaced the old version. Please feel free to click, buy and read and let me know what you think.

Thank you :)

Saturday 20 September 2014

Just a little request...

Hello! Please could I ask a favour. If you have read The Charm, on Kindle or paperback, please could you leave a review on the site where you purchased it? I would be very grateful. Thank you :)

Monday 15 September 2014

The End is Nigh!

I am so, so close to finishing Book Two! My target was Halloween... But I think it will be written by the end of September if not sooner. The good thing about autumn and winter setting in is the shorter days mean more time to sit writing. Or in my case, this winter, editing. In between sitting in front of my SAD lamp that is. I HATE winter.

The book is going to be around the 60,000 word mark and I'm very aware that a wordy YA novel is a big no-no. So no waffle!! I've learned a valuable lesson from The Charm days and that's 'cut the crap'. Excellent advice from a great agent and advice taken! :)

PS Sunset from my window... A very beautiful thing.