Sunday 23 November 2014


I've just sent the first four chapters of The Fourteen Years Between Us to three teenagers to read and report back. It's pretty nerve-wracking, to be honest! I can't wait to hear their feedback but am nervous about what they might say as well! What if they hate it?! Time will tell...

I've been working on the book again this past week, adding detail mainly and taking needless back story out. I am very lucky to be receiving advice from somebody who works within the industry. Just having someone guiding me and rooting for me to succeed is brilliant and I am already indebted to her for the help and support she has given me this year.

Fingers crossed, with all the editing done, I am one step closer to fulfilling my dream. And if I'm not, then I'll just keep plodding away until I do get there :)

Saturday 8 November 2014

Milestone Moment!

I've just checked in to Blogger Central and I've had my thousandth page view! Amazing! That's a lot of people. Not quite in JK Rowling's league but I'm still chuffed to bits :)

I've just started approaching agents with The Fourteen Years Between Us. I've sent the first three chapters to an agent who really likes my work and requested The Charm as a total manuscript to consider. She eventually declined to take it on because of the paranormal element to the book but she encouraged me to write for Young Adults and I was grateful for her advice. I'm on tenterhooks waiting for her feedback... it's pretty nerve-racking. 

Fingers crossed.

Saturday 1 November 2014

Wine and a storyline

On Thursday night I went to see an old friend of mine (who read The Charm chapter by chapter as I wrote it and is now demanding a sequel because the ending was too sad :)) and I ran my latest storyline past her. The plot was dreamt up in half an hour on Wednesday. I have always wanted to write a book with a dark, sinister and taboo storyline, and I touched on it briefly with The Fourteen Years Between Us, but as that particular book is for young adults, I had to draw the line somewhere. With book number three there will be no drawing of lines. It will be a no-holds-barred tale of intrigue, mystery and prohibition. It is based upon somebody I once knew and the way she lived her life always fascinated me. She lived a deeply religious, solitary life despite wanting more than anything to meet a decent man, who shared her values and with whom she would eventually share the sanctity of marriage. But my leading lady, who I have already named Judith, will see her morals being shattered as she is introduced to a life so surreptitious, her whole world is turned upside down.

My friend had goosebumps as I told her the story, and by the time I got to the end, the hairs on her arms were standing on end... which in my view, is a damn good reason to get it down on paper!

Book Number Three has been born! :)