Saturday 1 November 2014

Wine and a storyline

On Thursday night I went to see an old friend of mine (who read The Charm chapter by chapter as I wrote it and is now demanding a sequel because the ending was too sad :)) and I ran my latest storyline past her. The plot was dreamt up in half an hour on Wednesday. I have always wanted to write a book with a dark, sinister and taboo storyline, and I touched on it briefly with The Fourteen Years Between Us, but as that particular book is for young adults, I had to draw the line somewhere. With book number three there will be no drawing of lines. It will be a no-holds-barred tale of intrigue, mystery and prohibition. It is based upon somebody I once knew and the way she lived her life always fascinated me. She lived a deeply religious, solitary life despite wanting more than anything to meet a decent man, who shared her values and with whom she would eventually share the sanctity of marriage. But my leading lady, who I have already named Judith, will see her morals being shattered as she is introduced to a life so surreptitious, her whole world is turned upside down.

My friend had goosebumps as I told her the story, and by the time I got to the end, the hairs on her arms were standing on end... which in my view, is a damn good reason to get it down on paper!

Book Number Three has been born! :)

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