Sunday 11 January 2015

Happy New Year and Thank You :)

I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who has bought The Charm so far. It has been selling steadily since its publication in June last year and I get some lovely emails and messages and comments about it, which is always very heart-warming and appreciated.

I got stopped in a shopping centre in Peterborough recently, by a lady who'd read it on holiday, and she told me how much she'd enjoyed it. She lives in the next village to me and said she'd spent ages trying to match the character from the book to real life people who live around me! That made me smile because in actual fact, none of the characters are based on anyone in my village, but she obviously had a great deal of fun playing detective! I'm keeping mum about the character of Rose though... she 'might' be loosely based on someone I used to work with several years ago ;)

If you would like to read The Charm, you can find it here for all eReaders:

or here if you fancy a good, old-fashioned paperback:

Thank you for dropping by :)

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