Sunday 12 April 2015

A week of firsts!

I have had such a busy two weeks off work. Not only have I suddenly turned into Jessica Ennis – ok, slight exaggeration but I have been cycling, swimming and walking most days and have managed to wear out my right hip, so much so, I think I now need a hip replacement – but I have also managed to write every day too.

I've finished The Fourteen Years Between Us and, at last, I'm happy with it. I've renamed it too. It is now called Destination: Vega which is much more fitting to the the story and will relate well with teenagers. 

I've also written my first short story, that's if you don't count the several thousand I wrote as a child! I am extremely pleased with it. It's 5000 words long and based on the relationship between psychotherapist and patient. I will publish it on my blog once I've entered it into some competitions and the closing date has expired.

On top of all that, I've written an article on the importance of breast cancer screening for a new women's magazine (a subject very close to my heart) and my very first magazine column! I've been signed up by Queen Bee as their monthly columnist and I'm really excited about it! I'm going to be my usual self, frank, honest and at times a little controversial, but hopefully I'm not going to get into too much trouble ;)

I've been a very busy bee and am looking forward to getting back to work for a rest!

Wednesday 1 April 2015

It's Competition Time!

I've decided to start entering some literary competitions on the advice of an author I spoke to on Monday. I've started by writing my very first piece of Flash Fiction, which is a style of fictional literature of extreme brevity. My piece has just 250 words and I am extremely proud of it, considering it's my first effort! I will publish it on my blog after the competition closing date has expired.

I am going to write my first short story this week too, and have had a great idea for one based on a strange experience I had at the weekend involving going for a walk by myself and seemingly encountering the same person at different intervals along the lane!

Yes... my imagination does go into overdrive even when I'm taking the dog out for a quick stroll! :)