Monday 26 October 2015

Before The Old And Grey

Before The Old And Grey

As the day turns to night and the night turns to day,
I recall a time when my hair wasn’t grey…
Days when I could walk at a considerable pace
And I didn’t have a solitary line on my face.

But now I lie here, fading fast,
My bones are tired, I wheeze, I gasp,
Sun-bleached memories flood my brain,
Oh… give us one more shot at being young again?

I’d run through meadows and skinny dip,
Ride a rollercoaster to make my tummy flip,
Go punting down the River Cam,
Make endless batches of strawberry jam.

Watch as new leaves unfurl in spring,
Neck my first ever Singapore Sling,
Build monster dens from bales of hay,
And pretend life is still one long, summers day.

Marvel at sunsets; glimpse shooting stars,
Try on posh ball gowns and fancy bras,
Hold my babies for the very first time,
Barely daring to believe they are mine! All mine!

Beaches and sand dunes; an all-over tan,
Breakfast on eggs and bacon in a static caravan,
Hunt down pine cones and conkers and playing trick or treat,
Paddle in the sea with my silly flat feet.

Long, autumn walks and hugging trees,
Wobbly teeth and scabby knees,
Holidays, birthdays and Christmas dinner,
Put on a few pounds then try to get thinner.

Bunk off school and smoke some fags,
Curl my hair using mum’s old rags,
Drift back in time along the River Nile,
Whoop with joy at that very first smile…

Wedding bells and showers of confetti!
Perfect the art of cooking spaghetti,
Red wine, white wine, rosé or bubbles,
Puff on a joint to forget all my troubles.

Oh, life! You’ve passed in the blink of an eye!
I think of all the years that have passed me by,
I’d give all the tea in China to spend just one more day…

As the girl I once was, before the old and grey.

Copyright Tracy Hefferon 2015

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