Sunday 22 April 2018

It's not been a week for writing!

What a beautiful, warm, uplifting week we've just had! It took me a day or so to ditch the woolies and get my legs out but how lovely it was to feel the sunshine on my skin after what seems like a lifetime of shivering! This winter has been horrendous, I've put on ton of blubber and my skin is as white as snow. Ok, slight exaggeration, but I need to start eating salads and banging on the St. Tropez asap.

Because I have spent every day this week overhauling the garden, spring cleaning and sunbathing, I've had very little time for writing. But I have today reached the 25,000 word milestone and The Tow Path is really starting to take shape. I am just about to write the pinnacle of the story, the murder of my two leading ladies, which is going to be interesting. I've researched the story so much I now feel as though I know them personally. I knew very little about their characters apart from little snippets gleaned from newspaper cuttings so have had to create personalities for them. I hope I have done them justice. It's just a shame I am about to kill them off...

With rain forecast for the whole of this coming week, I hope to get a fair amount of writing in – sandwiched between work, parent's evening, a trip to the optician, grocery shopping and sorting through my youngest daughter's growing collection of clothing, that is. I sometimes wonder how I manage to fit it all in! Something to do with being an expert juggler, I expect :)

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