Sunday 3 March 2019

Bad Habits

I've spent an awful lot of time lately fine-tuning the Bad Habits manuscript and making sure all is in order for publication. The story is about a middle-aged, dowdy school teacher, who is deeply religious, unmarried and, as a consequence, still a virgin. She decides to reinvent herself after hearing two colleagues ripping her to shreds in the staff loos. The transformation is staggering and soon she is online and looking for love. Enter Hunter Kyloe-Pilkington, a David Gandy lookalike with a penchant for facial hair and tattoos. Judith's life descends into debauchery, forcing her to question her life, her faith and everything else in between.

Bad Habits is a dark, explicit, humorous tale of morality, friendship and the human condition. Here is an extract from the book.

She drained her coffee cup and stood up, packed her trolley and retrieved her coat from the hook in the store cupboard.
‘I’d better get off home. I’m having dinner with my parents tonight. And my mother is attempting to make beef cannelloni.’
‘Out of jars or from scratch?’
‘From scratch. She said it’s one of Delia’s. I assume she means Delia Smith.’
‘I thought she was dead.’
‘No. That’s Fanny Craddock.’
‘Fanny who?’

‘Never mind. I just hope it’s edible. I don’t trust my mother with tinned tomatoes at the best of times let alone mozzarella. She didn’t even know what mozzarella was until this week. She thought it was something the Pope wears. I didn’t have the heart to tell her that is a mozetta.’

Publishing dates to be announced very soon :)

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