Monday 27 October 2014

Changing Seasons

So summer is officially over and winter is here... despite it being eighteen degrees outside with a cloudless blue sky! It's hard to believe it's going to be November on Saturday. Long may the warm weather continue because I HATE the cold with a passion. Although I do like storms. And wind. And rain. 

I have this week off work and despite having bronchitis, I am determined to get lots done. Decorating my daughter's bedroom is priority number one. She wants a swish, gold, hotel bedroom. Don't we all. Next comes a spa day, followed by trick or treating, a spectacular fireworks display and furniture shopping.

I always thought this week would be deadline week for The Fourteen Years Between Us but seeing as it's done and dusted, I can actually have a holiday from writing. Not that I want to. I feel a bit lost at the moment, to be honest. I feel like I should be tapping away in my bedroom, being creative and concocting story lines. I do have several ideas for my third novel, one of them being a sequel to TFYBU, but that very much depends on whether I manage to get lucky and get a publishing deal.

Realistically, I know how hard that is going to be. With the average agent receiving two hundred manuscripts a week but only taking on one new author a year, the chances of me signing on the elusive dotted line are pretty remote. But, ever the optimist (about my writing, anyway... nothing else!!) I'm hoping upon hope that this book is 'the one'. I'm certainly very, very proud of it. And I totally love the heroine of the story, Loveday Girdlestone. She is so funny and weird and geeky, she could go places ;)

So for now, I will take a back seat, relax and let my mind wander for a while...

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