Saturday 2 May 2015

Competitions and Stuff

It seems as though I haven't updated my blog for months! I've been very busy finalising my entries for this years The Bridport Prize and at last I've submitted my work; a flash fiction piece and a 5000 word short story. I am very pleased with them both and will be over the moon to be shortlisted, let alone to win. With so many entries each year, however, I'm not holding my breath!!

I've completed the synopsis and plot line for book number three, working title Airtight. I had a flash of inspiration during the night this week and came up with the most brilliant book title. Of course, when I woke up properly I couldn't remember it and still can't so I'm feeling a little bit frustrated! It's at times like these when I need to keep a notebook by my bed...

I am extremely excited about writing this book. I was going to write a children's book instead and put Airtight on hold but I can't. The storyline is niggling away inside me like a parasitic worm and I've got an overwhelming desire to get it down on paper – just as I did when I bumped into my 'ghost' behind the village church and the seed was set for the storyline that developed into The Charm :)

So this weekend I shall put the wheels in motion. Exciting times! I'm definitely at my happiest when I'm living in a literary dream world :)

Tracy x

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