Friday 15 May 2015

Just a quickie...

I'm 10,000 words into Airtight. The story is coming together well and I'm pleased I've decided to write in the third person interspersed with first person journal entries. It makes for very interesting reading and will be a pivotal part to the conclusion of the story. I may even leave the reader on a cliffhanger... I've not made my mind up yet! That's what I love about writing. You can literally do anything you want!

This week has also seen me proof reading the finished, designed pages of my new magazine column and breast cancer screening article. It reminded me of the days I used to work on magazines and seems weird being the person being asked to approve their work rather than me asking others for their approval! The first issue of Queen Bee is due to hit the shelves in June. I wish the ladies behind it loads of luck. I'm sure it will be a major hit!

Oh no. Chat over. The dog has hijacked my lap / keyboard again. Which means it's cuddles then walkies. Bloody dog :)

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