Saturday 8 July 2017

Ramblings from the fens...

I've not posted on my blog for six months. That is because I have been so busy moving house and renovating the new one, coupled with a bout of bronchitis, that the only writing I have done is a children's picture book about a little robin redbreast and my usual magazine column. 

Now the summer holidays are approaching and I have a full six weeks and four days off work to look forward to, I am going to definitely get some serious writing under my belt. I have decided to re-work the ending of The Boggins of Willow Drove before sending it off to agents and I quite fancy also re-writing the ending of The Fourteen Years Between Us, which I have not done anything with so far apart from upload to Amazon. The Charm is still selling well and is the book I am most proud of. I still pick it up and flick through the pages and can't quite believe I wrote it.

My fourth novel is half-written so will finish that before Christmas. It is a much darker novel than The Charm and will hopefully appeal to all you thrill-seekers out there ;)

Going back to moving house... the Boggins book is based on my life growing up on a farm in the Fens. Willow Drove really does exist and the farmyard is still there together with the huge old tree which - in the book - the Boggins live under. The funny thing is, I left the village when I was 24-years-old and I never thought I would return. How bizarre that just after I'd finished writing TBOWD, I had the chance to move back... which I finally did in May. And now I walk my dogs Lottie, and the very aptly named Fen, up and down Willow Drove most days.

What a weird and wonderful world we live in!

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