Friday 2 March 2018

1953... here we come!

The Beast from the East has struck and my dog ate the Roku controller. It's been a funny old week. We've been snowed off school for three days so with not much to do (there's only so much This Morning and Homes Under The Hammer you can watch) I have written a short story and entered a competition. Here's an excerpt from it.

The feelings, as I called them, started when I was very young. Before I was fully aware of anything really. Least of all my own self and who I was. And when they happened, I was transported to another time. Another age. Another era. Where I dressed in peculiar clothes, lived in peculiar places and witnessed peculiar things. Like bombs dropping. Giving birth. Finding gold coins buried beneath the sand. And my own death, of course. I was a man that time. All I heard was a loud bang followed by a high-pitch ringing in my ears and then everything faded, quite slowly I seem to remember, to black. Just like that. And then I was gone. My last word in that life was bugger. Quite funny really. For your last ever word to be a profanity. I’m now totally convinced that most people utter or think a swear word just before they die. And mine was bugger. That is what I said when I realised I’d been shot. I can’t recall any pain. Just the overwhelming darkness as my heart ceased beating.

I have an idea for writing a book based on reincarnation. I started writing it years ago, shelved it to write The Charm and then lost the entire manuscript after my computer's hard drive died. I'll re-write it eventually.
The good news is, I finished writing the synopsis for Bad Habits a couple of weeks ago and have submitted the novel to an agent. Now it is just a matter of waiting. If they say no, I'll try another agent! I have also submitted The Boggins of Willow Drove to a really interesting family agent I found by accident. I'm also waiting on that one too. Imagine if they both say yes!
I am now all set to start my latest project, The Tow Path. I have debated long and hard whether I should write it as a novel or a screenplay and I have decided it has to be a novel. I just can't get my head around writing a screenplay. It's so difficult! I was going to book myself onto a screenwriting course but I came to the conclusion that if I carry on writing novels, they can be TURNED into screenplays by somebody who is already very, very good at it!
I have finished all of my basic research and have started to break down the story into chapters although I tend to stray from the confines of the plot quite a lot as I write. Having the structure of chapters to guide me is brilliant but there is always room for artistic licence as you go and I never stick to them rigidly.
So, I'd better crack on then. 1953 here we come!

For my first two books, please click on the links below:

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