Saturday 31 March 2018

Rain, rest and reflection

What a shitty half term it's been with one thing and another. Mainly illness. There have been lots of bugs flying around along with other ailments but there have also been two diagnoses of cancer, one terminal and the other incurable, whatever that means. News like that touches everyone, not just the immediate family and the person affected. You look at your own life and reflect and really understand the meaning of the saying 'life is short'. Because it really is. One minute you're coasting through life, as happy as Larry, not a care in the world. The next you are facing your own mortality. 

Anyway, I am very glad we have a couple of weeks off work where we can rest and spend time with our loved ones and enjoy living in the moment. Oh and eat a lot of chocolate, of course!

I have now written three chapters and 12,000 words of The Towpath. I have a long way to go but I am very excited about it and am more than pleased with my writing so far. I love getting into my time machine (the corner of the sofa) and transporting back to the fifties. And I love using the language of the time too. Phrases and sayings and dialogue from another era, some words we don't use anymore, namely racist terminology and derogatory words. My main character is a typical working-class Londoner. But what makes him different to most is that he is a sexist, racist, violent and deeply troubled individual. I've never written as a male main character before and I am really enjoying it! Hopefully I'll get a lot of writing done over the holidays especially if this relentless rain continues...

Anyway, even though I am not in the slightest bit religious, happy Easter. Enjoy your roast dinner and choccie eggs. Go stroke some new born lambs and hold a fluffy chick. Pick a few daffs, feel glad to be alive. And look after yourself. Because if you don't, nobody else will.

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