Tuesday 15 April 2014

Chapter One complete!

I spent yesterday writing the first chapter of The Boy Who Came To Play and finished editing it today. I'm taking a very different approach with this novel as I did with The Charm. I planned The Charm meticulously and before I even wrote it, I knew what was going to happen in every single chapter, making it extremely straightforward to write. Of course, things changed and evolved as I wrote it and one very major twist in the story only sprang into my mind about ten chapters in, changing the dynamics of the book drastically.
But this time I am going in totally blind, feet first. I know the plot of the story, the beginning, the middle and the end but that is it. I've not even written a synopsis. I am also writing this book in the first person present tense, which is making it great fun to write, and to read back.
The main character is a thirteen-year-old girl and when I write, I almost become her. It helps having a fifteen-year-old daughter around the place. She's an endless source of amusement in our household!! She read the first chapter last night and loved it, saying some parts made her 'really laugh out loud'. Which is exactly what I wanted to happen.
My target reader is Young Adult – aged twelve to possibly fifteen – so this book is at opposite ends of the spectrum to The Charm, which falls into the Dark Romance genre and is most definitely for big people!

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