Monday 14 April 2014

Welcome to my blog!

Hello! This is my very first blog on my brand new blog site!
I have wanted to write a book for as long as I can remember and have tried several times over the years but usually, due to lack of time, my projects have fallen by the wayside and got forgotten about.
But in June 2012, while I was driving back home from my lunch time stint at the village school, something happened to me which I couldn't explain... and so the seed was planted for my debut novel, The Charm.
After spending the summer going over and over the storyline in my head, I then spent several months writing a detailed synopsis, drafting the chapters and getting ready to actually write the book! In April 2013, I wrote the prelude and so it began.

Here is a passage from the prelude. I hope you enjoy it.

She looked out of the window and up at the sky. The moon above her, suspended in an inky infinity of stars, was getting larger by the day, moving from new moon to full moon. Tonight the moon was a waxing moon. Tonight was the perfect night for casting spells.
She moved into the centre of the room and walked slowly round in a full circle, sank to the floor and, with trembling hands, carefully lit the candle. She placed the rose petals on the china plate and unscrewed the lid from the bottle of lavender oil, tipping it forward slightly so that three precise drops spilled out and landed silently onto the petals.
‘Love’s truth burns bright, I welcome my soul-mate on this night’.
She tilted the burning candle so that hot, molten wax dripped onto the petals. Her delicate fingers moulded the warm wax, petals and oil together into a coin-shaped disc and when it was cold and hard, she pushed it underneath her pillow. And there it stayed for six more moons, until one cold, dark, frosty night in mid-November, when she retrieved it from the safety of her bed, tiptoed barefoot into the sparkling garden and buried it beneath a rose bush still in full bloom.

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