Tuesday 21 October 2014

Fanfare moment No 2!

The title of my second novel is... The Fourteen Years Between Us.

It was dreamt up whilst walking around a very beautiful graveyard back in the early summer, which is very apt seeing as the book is based around a cemetery and features lots of graves, a murder, a suicide and a ghost! It's very cheerful! :)

Here is an extract from the second chapter...

Mum said I wasn’t allowed to have another bath because she’s not made of money. Apparently, from now on, I’m only allowed one bath a week. I knew I’d get told off for using all the hot water up. So I had a shower instead, which I actually liked just as much as having a bath. The water falls on you like warm rain. It feels so soft and gentle. And there’s a seat in there too. Although I’m not quite sure why you’d need to sit down in a shower. Nobody is that lazy, surely? I asked mum afterwards why the seat is there and she said she has no idea but she’s going to use it for shaving her legs. I don’t need to shave my legs yet. But I do need to shave under my arms. Mum says I’d smell like a French woman if I didn’t. They don’t shave under their arms in France. They don’t even use deodorant. Or very much soap. It’s a well-known, documented fact.

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