Saturday 12 December 2015

10,000 words down...

50,000 to go!

I am loving writing my latest book. Lifes shifts and changes mean I have less time to write than I had before but I am trying to write in short, sharp bursts as and when I can. I've loved researching the Anglo Saxon period, which forms the backbone of my story and watching The Last Kingdom on BBC1 has brought the time to life for me. I'm gutted it's over... but over the moon there's a second series in the making!

I've had an idea for a novelty book too which I am going to try to plan and write at the same time as my children's story. God knows how I'll manage to do that but I'm going to give it a crack as the idea is a fun one which could take off and hopefully make me lots of pennies! Nothing ventured, nothing gained!

Since uploading The Charm to Kindle Unlimited, I have had literally hundreds and hundreds of page reads so a big thank you to whoever is reading it! If you would like to download a copy onto your Kindle and read it over the festive period, then please click on the link below. And don't forget to leave a review after you've read it! Thank you :)

Thursday 26 November 2015

From QueenBee Autumn issue

The Best Job Of All...?

I have very few friends left who are having their first babies, but every now and then, I still hear a new parent declare how ‘absolutely shattered’ they are and how difficult it is being a parent to a new-born. I just smile and nod and say nothing; safe in the knowledge that it only gets a hundred times worse as said bundle of joy grows older, morphing from innocent, angelic sweetheart, who holds your hand and tells you she loves you bigger than space into a spotty, reclusive, mute monstrosity that is commonly known as the teenager. I’m not sure which is worse; teenage boy or teenage girl? I am the owner of a female specimen but am reliably informed a male is equally as grim.
It’s not just the hormonal swings of puberty that makes living with a teenager so traumatic; one minute they are talking to you (even if it is just in two-syllable bursts), the next you are so ****ing annoying they can’t even bring themselves to look at you, let alone actually speak to you! No, it’s much, much more than that.
Things you used to do that once made them laugh like drains now cause acute embarrassment. Katie Price impressions, eighties dancing, twerking… all resigned to the vaults of history. You’re not allowed to talk to their friends. Or actually even breathe if they be so bold as bring a member of the opposite sex home. You’ve suddenly become deeply unfashionable. They don’t like your cooking. In fact, they’ve NEVER liked it. Like, ever! It’s your fault they’ve got curly hair. And flat feet. And don’t get algebra. You’re way too strict. You don’t let them do ANYTHING! You’re taste in music is utter crap. You are soooo boring. You have absolutely no idea what it’s like to be young. They really hate you. They even wish they’d never been born…
Until of course, they want something. Clothes. A full head of caramel highlights. Cash. A litre of Malibu. Driving lessons! Then, effortlessly and without warning, they revert back to that innocent, angelic sweetheart that you miss so much. They hold your hand and tell you they love you bigger than space. You close your eyes and smile, feeling all warm and fuzzy inside, and for one fleeting moment, all is well in the world.
And then you give them whatever they bloody want.

Monday 26 October 2015

Before The Old And Grey

Before The Old And Grey

As the day turns to night and the night turns to day,
I recall a time when my hair wasn’t grey…
Days when I could walk at a considerable pace
And I didn’t have a solitary line on my face.

But now I lie here, fading fast,
My bones are tired, I wheeze, I gasp,
Sun-bleached memories flood my brain,
Oh… give us one more shot at being young again?

I’d run through meadows and skinny dip,
Ride a rollercoaster to make my tummy flip,
Go punting down the River Cam,
Make endless batches of strawberry jam.

Watch as new leaves unfurl in spring,
Neck my first ever Singapore Sling,
Build monster dens from bales of hay,
And pretend life is still one long, summers day.

Marvel at sunsets; glimpse shooting stars,
Try on posh ball gowns and fancy bras,
Hold my babies for the very first time,
Barely daring to believe they are mine! All mine!

Beaches and sand dunes; an all-over tan,
Breakfast on eggs and bacon in a static caravan,
Hunt down pine cones and conkers and playing trick or treat,
Paddle in the sea with my silly flat feet.

Long, autumn walks and hugging trees,
Wobbly teeth and scabby knees,
Holidays, birthdays and Christmas dinner,
Put on a few pounds then try to get thinner.

Bunk off school and smoke some fags,
Curl my hair using mum’s old rags,
Drift back in time along the River Nile,
Whoop with joy at that very first smile…

Wedding bells and showers of confetti!
Perfect the art of cooking spaghetti,
Red wine, white wine, rosé or bubbles,
Puff on a joint to forget all my troubles.

Oh, life! You’ve passed in the blink of an eye!
I think of all the years that have passed me by,
I’d give all the tea in China to spend just one more day…

As the girl I once was, before the old and grey.

Copyright Tracy Hefferon 2015

Sunday 4 October 2015


From Queen Bee Magazine, Summer Issue

We all know alcohol is bad for us. We are repeatedly told by public health officials that we must limit ourselves to fourteen poxy units a week. Alcohol damages your health, your looks, your bank balance and makes you fat.
So what? So do men. But do we abstain from them? Do we heck.
Alcohol ­– namely wine – is one of life’s staples. For many, a day without wine is akin to a major electrical appliance catastrophe. We couldn’t manage without our fridge, for example, just as we can’t manage without a chilled glass of rosé at the end of the day.
Wine lifts the spirits. It relaxes us. Calms us. Our days are long and stressful! Wine helps alleviate the pressure of our busy lives. And, contrary to popular belief, it is good for us… extraordinarily good for us, in fact. Granted, we must limit ourselves to 175ml a day, maybe just a splash more, but that one precious glassful is the elixir of life. Hippocrates, the father of medicine, promoted wine as part of a healthy diet. He even went as far as saying it should be used to alleviate the pain of childbirth, which sounds infinitely more enjoyable than sucking on nitrous oxide for hours.
Red wine is king when it comes to delivering the best health benefits, although white wine has been proven to boost both lung health and function, so it might be worth considering incorporating a glass into your weekly quota; just so you can breathe easy…
As for the ruby red variety; where to start? It reduces depression and helps prevent a wide range of cancers from breast to colon to lung. It raises levels of omega-3 fatty acids in the body, which safeguard against heart disease and, amazingly, reduces the risk of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease by half compared to those who never touch a drop.
Red wine’s miracle ingredient is Resveratrol – a chemical found in red grape skin – and this stuff is literally the marvel of the medical world. It helps prevent everything from diabetes to blindness, ageing to sunburn damage!

So, go ahead! Open that bottle of Cabernet, kick back and enjoy – safe in the knowledge you are preserving your body from the inside out. And remember… if it was good enough for Jesus then it’s good enough for you. Cheers!

Sunday 27 September 2015

Very excited indeed!

After approximately four years in the planning, I have finally started work on my first children's book! The synopsis has been written, the plot concluded and the chapters all mapped out. And now the writing can begin! I have put my original novel three on hold because I just need to get this new book down on paper. It's such a strong and magical story, I am almost bursting to write it. And it will keep me very busy through the long winter nights!

So, sorry Airtight... but you will just have to be book number four instead! Apologies also to my readers of Airtight who have read the first eight chapters and have got seriously hooked... I will finish it, I promise!!

The reader for this new book is going to be my nine-year-old daughter. She already knows the entire plot line from start to finish but gauging her reaction as she reads it for real – a story she's heard several times over the last four years – will be wonderful. I'm already imagining Touchstone buying up the film rights along with star-studded premieres and a whole range of merchandise based on my unusual little characters... always the optimist ;)

In the meantime, here's to wishful thinking and the belief that dreams really can come true :)

Sunday 23 August 2015

My new website has been launched!

A great way to spend a couple of rainy hours – design your own website!

Please visit

and have a look! Thank you! :)

Friday 21 August 2015

Good morning!

Considering I had seven weeks off my day job and now have only two remaining, I haven't done much with my time. The first three were spent in agony as I underwent tooth surgery – twice – and then I spent an idyllic week in Cornwall recovering. This week I've been crazily busy every day, playing taxi driver, sorting out my daughters college course for September, getting her GCSE results (SHE GOT NINE!!!) and editing copy for Queen Bee magazine. Now, with just fourteen short days left until the alarm needs to be set for 7am every morning, coupled with the depressing thought of the onset of autumn... I'm feeling a bit deflated! I'd hoped to have written a sizeable chunk of my latest novel by now but I've barely managed 5000 words this holiday. I'm a third of the way through and although I love the story, I am itching to start the children's book I've had on the back-burner for a couple of years. I'm not a fan of winter but at least the dark nights and miserable weather allow me devote time to writing. 

The Fourteen Years Between Us is going down well. I'm part of the Kindle Unlimited scheme and both my books are listed on there. It means that if you too are signed up to Kindle Unlimited as a customer, you can read my books for free! Why not sign up and give one or both of them a read? Please remember to leave a review too. Thank you!

Friday 24 July 2015

The opening prelude to The Fourteen Years Between Us

Here is the prelude to The Fourteen Years Between Us. If you like it, please click on the link below and read more :)

THE FRAIL, OLD MAN dropped to his knees and threaded the well-worn cord through the spindles on the landing, winding it tightly around the post several times before tying a secure bowline knot. He pushed himself back onto his feet, stopping briefly midway as the pain from his arthritic spine caused his back to jar and muscles to spasm. He straightened up painfully slowly, then, with a shaky hand, dragged the chair from the corner of the landing until it was level with the banister. He gingerly stepped up onto the padded seat and looked down to the Minton-tiled hallway floor below. His head spun. He’d always had a chronic fear of heights.
He reached down and retrieved the other end of the cord from the railing and swiftly, and without hesitation, looped it around his scrawny neck and tied another bowline knot. He carefully raised one bony leg and hooked it over the banister, gripping the railing so tightly his knuckles were white. Then, after he’d regained his composure, he swung his other leg over and there he sat, like a wise, old owl on his perch, trembling with fear and the overwhelming rush of adrenalin for what he was about to do.
The clock in the hallway struck midnight and on the very last stroke he lowered his head, closed his eyes and spoke for one final time.
‘Lord. Please forgive my sins and welcome me at the gates of eternity… Into thine hands I commend thee my spirit.’
There was a short, sharp crack as his neck snapped in two followed by the eerie sound of air rushing from his rapidly deflating, tar-stained lungs. His body swung for a few moments, and it twitched here and there as the blood in his veins ceased to flow. Eventually he became still. Then he became cold. And the only sound to be heard was the gentle, rhythmic ticking of the clock beneath his feet.

Tuesday 21 July 2015

Fanfare moment!!!

The Fourteen Years Between Us is published today! I am very excited and I LOVE the book cover too. My second novel falls into the Young Adult genre but big people are allowed to read it too ;) I hope you enjoy it!

Monday 13 July 2015

A sneaky glimpse into the future...

The opening lines of book number three. So exciting :)

Put to death, therefore, whatever belongs to your earthly nature: sexual immorality, impurity, lust, evil desires and greed, which is idolatry. Because of these, the wrath of God is coming.

Colossians 3:5-6

Tuesday 7 July 2015

Breast Cancer Awareness feature

Thought you might want to read a feature I've written for a women's lifestyle magazine. This is dedicated to my friend Karen Gillis. Because she's AWESOME! :)

Big or small; let’s save them all!
Like it or not, we all have them. Little. Large. Firm. Soft. Some which pass the pencil test, others that swing pendulously somewhere around your navel. The sheer diversity of knockers is immense. But whatever you’ve been blessed with, your breasts need looking after.
Recent research shows that more and more women over the age of forty-seven, are being called for routine breast cancer screening but are delaying booking their appointments. In an alarming number of cases, some are simply not going at all.Earlier this year, I visited my doctor regarding a pain in my left breast. I’d had it on and off for about six months. She examined me and neither felt nor saw anything to cause alarm but because the pain was in only one breast, she referred me to the Breast Clinic. I felt apprehensive but seeing as no lump had been detected, I was confident I was absolutely fine and the pain must be down to the fact I was trying to squeeze my 36G hooters into a 34F bra in the vain hope that they might ‘look a bit smaller’.I was telephoned the very next day with an appointment for a mammogram in a fortnights’ time. As the day loomed closer, I started to get a little jittery but as I strolled into the clinic with my partner, just a few days after my forty-fifth birthday, I was more concerned about my breasts exploding in the mammogram machine than anything sinister being discovered.I sat in the waiting room, surrounded by women just like me, some younger, some older, some who were obviously going through treatment and others who were there for their five-year check. I was amazed at just how many of us there were.I was called in to see the surgeon and she examined me. Like my GP and myself, she could feel nothing abnormal. I asked her if the mammogram hurt having been told it was a similar pain to ‘trapping your tit in the fridge door’. Now, I don’t know about you, but that particularly harrowing ordeal has never happened to me before so I had no idea what to expect. The surgeon laughed and said it may be a little uncomfortable but it didn’t hurt. I almost fell of my chair when the nurse in the consulting room with us raised her eyebrows and asked her how the hell she knew that, seeing as she’d never had one before! I frowned and told her that she needed to practice what she preached and maybe give it a whirl.I was ushered through into the mammogram room, with its mood lighting and monster machinery. I eyed The Puppy Pulveriser suspiciously and was told to strip to the waist. Within seconds, I’d been contorted into a very peculiar lopsided position with breast number one lifted and arranged, like a loaf of bread about to be sliced, on the flat-plate. The mammographer turned a dial, the upper plate moved down and my breast proceeded to flatten. I braced myself. But the pain never came. And it wasn’t particularly uncomfortable. In fact, I hardly felt  a thing.Mammogram over, I was told to dress and sit back in the waiting room. If the mammogram was clear I could go home. Great! Ordeal over!Seconds later I was guided into another dimly-lit room and told somebody would be with me shortly. A radiographer appeared and informed me my mammogram was normal but because my breast tissue was very dense, I needed an ultrasound. I almost told him there was no need to insult my breast tissue but I didn’t think he’d get the joke.I whipped my bra off yet again and he asked me where I’d been feeling the pain. He put the transducer on my boob, pressed down a little and said four words that I will never forget. You have a tumour. The following few minutes were a blur. I was just about to go home, now I’m bloody dying. At first he tried to aspirate the tumour in case it was a fluid-filled cyst. It wasn’t. Next came anaesthetic and four separate biopsies. I was cleaned, stitched and patched up. I was told my tumour was a double tumour connected by a stalk. All I could visualise was a couple of vine tomatoes growing in my boob. I burst into floods of tears and the nurse gave me a hug. The tumour was measured, I was told not to worry and I’d be called back in two weeks time for the results.Two weeks time… The most anxious, frightening, exhausting two weeks of my life. I prepared myself for bad news. I booked a hair appointment to have my long hair lopped off. I even mentally planned my own funeral.Fourteen traumatic, tear-soaked days later I was given the all-clear. My tumour was a benign fibroadeoma that had probably been lurking there since I was a teenager. The relief was overwhelming. I went out and got drunk on champagne.But the stark realisation is, many, many women don’t get the all-clear. 49,900 women get diagnosed with breast cancer each year. That’s one hundred and thirty women a day. Putting it into visual terms, imagine all the mums in the average school playground at home time. THAT many women.Early detection is the key to survival. If it wasn’t for the ultrasound I received, my hidden tumour would never have been detected. I was fortunate. I didn’t have cancer. But at least I now know I have a couple of cherry tomatoes residing in my left boob. How many women out there right now, are walking around, oblivious to the fact that they too have tumours? If you can’t feel a lump, how can you possibly know it’s there? And that is why 32 women a day die from this terrible disease. Quite simply, they get diagnosed too late.Whatever your fears, your anxieties, your concerns about attending routine screening appointments, the bottom line is they could save your life. Ok, you will have to endure the The Puppy Pulveriser but hey, it’s no worse than getting your tit trapped in the fridge door and I’m pretty sure Anastasia Steele’s bangers encountered much more discomfort during a manhandling by Christian Grey than you will ever encounter having a mammogram. If, like me, you’re breast tissue is intellectually challenged, insist on a follow-up ultrasound. If a lump is found, don’t panic. Eight out of ten lumps are benign. And if you do end up joining The Club, as it is affectionately known, just remember breast cancer is one of the most treatable forms of cancer in the world. You will receive the best possible treatment from our wonderful NHS and you WILL get better.Remember the only person who can save you is you. When you get that letter, head straight for the phone, make that call and make like you’re in Mr. Grey’s Red Room.

Saturday 20 June 2015

Good Morning!

I haven't written anything on my blog for weeks. Not because I haven't anything to write about. I've just been preoccupied with my other life; namely family and work. I have managed to fit in some writing amongst my seemingly endless juggling and I am now 20,000 words into Airtight. I'm aiming for a 100,000-word novel so I'm not doing too badly. This is definitely going to be my last adult fiction for a while. I really want to concentrate on children's books next and have several ideas stacking up in my brain that will keep me busy for the next couple of years at least!

Queen Bee, the dinky, handbag-sized magazine I've been writing for, has just been launched. Issue One is out now and is jam-packed full of features, advice, tips and information for local ladies. It is being published quarterly and work on the Autumn issue is already under way. Click on the Facebook link below and read the first issue online!

Friday 15 May 2015

Just a quickie...

I'm 10,000 words into Airtight. The story is coming together well and I'm pleased I've decided to write in the third person interspersed with first person journal entries. It makes for very interesting reading and will be a pivotal part to the conclusion of the story. I may even leave the reader on a cliffhanger... I've not made my mind up yet! That's what I love about writing. You can literally do anything you want!

This week has also seen me proof reading the finished, designed pages of my new magazine column and breast cancer screening article. It reminded me of the days I used to work on magazines and seems weird being the person being asked to approve their work rather than me asking others for their approval! The first issue of Queen Bee is due to hit the shelves in June. I wish the ladies behind it loads of luck. I'm sure it will be a major hit!

Oh no. Chat over. The dog has hijacked my lap / keyboard again. Which means it's cuddles then walkies. Bloody dog :)

Saturday 2 May 2015

Competitions and Stuff

It seems as though I haven't updated my blog for months! I've been very busy finalising my entries for this years The Bridport Prize and at last I've submitted my work; a flash fiction piece and a 5000 word short story. I am very pleased with them both and will be over the moon to be shortlisted, let alone to win. With so many entries each year, however, I'm not holding my breath!!

I've completed the synopsis and plot line for book number three, working title Airtight. I had a flash of inspiration during the night this week and came up with the most brilliant book title. Of course, when I woke up properly I couldn't remember it and still can't so I'm feeling a little bit frustrated! It's at times like these when I need to keep a notebook by my bed...

I am extremely excited about writing this book. I was going to write a children's book instead and put Airtight on hold but I can't. The storyline is niggling away inside me like a parasitic worm and I've got an overwhelming desire to get it down on paper – just as I did when I bumped into my 'ghost' behind the village church and the seed was set for the storyline that developed into The Charm :)

So this weekend I shall put the wheels in motion. Exciting times! I'm definitely at my happiest when I'm living in a literary dream world :)

Tracy x

Sunday 12 April 2015

A week of firsts!

I have had such a busy two weeks off work. Not only have I suddenly turned into Jessica Ennis – ok, slight exaggeration but I have been cycling, swimming and walking most days and have managed to wear out my right hip, so much so, I think I now need a hip replacement – but I have also managed to write every day too.

I've finished The Fourteen Years Between Us and, at last, I'm happy with it. I've renamed it too. It is now called Destination: Vega which is much more fitting to the the story and will relate well with teenagers. 

I've also written my first short story, that's if you don't count the several thousand I wrote as a child! I am extremely pleased with it. It's 5000 words long and based on the relationship between psychotherapist and patient. I will publish it on my blog once I've entered it into some competitions and the closing date has expired.

On top of all that, I've written an article on the importance of breast cancer screening for a new women's magazine (a subject very close to my heart) and my very first magazine column! I've been signed up by Queen Bee as their monthly columnist and I'm really excited about it! I'm going to be my usual self, frank, honest and at times a little controversial, but hopefully I'm not going to get into too much trouble ;)

I've been a very busy bee and am looking forward to getting back to work for a rest!

Wednesday 1 April 2015

It's Competition Time!

I've decided to start entering some literary competitions on the advice of an author I spoke to on Monday. I've started by writing my very first piece of Flash Fiction, which is a style of fictional literature of extreme brevity. My piece has just 250 words and I am extremely proud of it, considering it's my first effort! I will publish it on my blog after the competition closing date has expired.

I am going to write my first short story this week too, and have had a great idea for one based on a strange experience I had at the weekend involving going for a walk by myself and seemingly encountering the same person at different intervals along the lane!

Yes... my imagination does go into overdrive even when I'm taking the dog out for a quick stroll! :)

Sunday 29 March 2015

Nook Book!

The Charm is now available to download for £2.99 on Nook! If you read it, please could you also leave a review? Thank you x

Thursday 19 March 2015


For those of you who want to read The Charm but are too tight-fisted to buy it, I am being extremely generous and kind and am publishing it for FREE on Wattpad! So there's no excuse not to read the best book about witches in town! Ten chapters published so far... twenty-one to go! Oh and please leave little comments about the book. They would make my day. But only if they are nice :)

Wednesday 11 March 2015

A quick update!

I've only just read The Tent, The Bucket and Me by Emma Kennedy... it came out five years ago! What a brilliantly funny book. Easily a-laugh-a-page. I hear it's been bought by the BBC and will appear on our screens sometime this year as a six-part series. I can't wait!

As for me, I've decided to change the ending to Book Two and completely re-edit it. I've not taken the decision to do so lightly as this will be very time-consuming for me but I want it to be absolutely perfect before I approach agents with it. The original ending didn't sit happily with me and I wanted the story to be about Loveday and Sam – the two main characters – and nobody else. So I'm changing it. Because I can! The teenage market is very fickle and trending writing styles can change very quickly, hence you can be in and out of fashion in the blink of an eye. I'm aiming to get all the work done over the next few weeks because I've spent a long time on this novel and I'm itching to start writing my next book!

I've temporarily put Book Three on hold. This isn't because I don't want to write it. I can't wait to write it! Just not now. It's quite a dark, complex thriller and after the rubbish year I've had so far, I want to write a happy book :) I've had a children's book in my brain for several years now and a couple of weeks ago I outlined the entire plot line and am now ready to write it.

So this spring and summer I shall have my head filled with the Fens and farms and bogs and secrets and magic... it's going to be a bit like reverting to my childhood :)

PS. Nine chapter of The Charm now online...

Tuesday 24 February 2015

Wiling away a very windy day...

My youngest daughter is ill and I am at home looking after her. I've done nothing today apart from offer her sips of water, take her temperature and spoon her medicine. So while I am sitting around doing nothing, I've posted chapter seven of The Charm on wattpad for you to read and have started outlining the plot for Book Four (I haven't finished Book Three yet but I've decided I really want to write a children's book first!). 

Click here to read the book so far!

Thursday 12 February 2015


I've now published Chapters Four and Five of The Charm on wattpad so get reading it for FREE! I will be publishing a chapter a week until the whole book is online. If you want to read it all in one hit then please download the eBook at Amazon or go to and order it in paperback format.

I'm still getting word from lots of happy readers, which is fantastic, and many of who are demanding a sequel...

Hmmm, I'm thinking about it!! :)

Wednesday 14 January 2015

It's FREE!

Hello! I have decided, after 7 months of promoting and selling The Charm via Amazon, I'm now going to publish it chapter-by-chapter for you to read FOR FREE! Visit my wattpad profile, click and read! It really is that easy! Oh... and let me know if you love it / hate it / how you'd have liked the story to end. All comments gratefully received! smile emoticon

Sunday 11 January 2015

Happy New Year and Thank You :)

I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who has bought The Charm so far. It has been selling steadily since its publication in June last year and I get some lovely emails and messages and comments about it, which is always very heart-warming and appreciated.

I got stopped in a shopping centre in Peterborough recently, by a lady who'd read it on holiday, and she told me how much she'd enjoyed it. She lives in the next village to me and said she'd spent ages trying to match the character from the book to real life people who live around me! That made me smile because in actual fact, none of the characters are based on anyone in my village, but she obviously had a great deal of fun playing detective! I'm keeping mum about the character of Rose though... she 'might' be loosely based on someone I used to work with several years ago ;)

If you would like to read The Charm, you can find it here for all eReaders:

or here if you fancy a good, old-fashioned paperback:

Thank you for dropping by :)